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HomeOctober 2017 Meeting Report

The meeting was held at Joe Guzzo's new shop.  Thank you Joe for hosting the meeting.  Tod opened the meeting with introductions and Joe giving a few words.  Alex Ivey and John Nante demonstrated Mokume-Gane.  The demo was short,  followed by hands on by anyone wanting to try this new process and were able to take them home to continue forging them into __________, it will be interesting to see what others make.  Alex and John have made nice objects with this style of forging.  As always the meeting ended with Iron in the Hat and the Potluck.
The next Demo Meeting is our Big Drawing (green tickets) and Election of Administrators, it will be held on the first Saturday of December at 9:00.  Location to be announced at a later date.  Remember to bring Iron in the Hat and your favorite dish.
Many Thanks to Joe and All for your help